Perplexing forms made smooth
The idea was to make a complicated procedure of registration easier to follow while keeping in mind the administration requirements. By reorganizing a long list of requests in manageable sections, I eliminated all the user's pain-points in advance. Now that he has the precise idea of the registration progress, the user can effortlessly complete the tasks.
Fundamentals first!
To guarantee consistency in the development of the app, I created the styleguide. I was testing the basic elements on the simplest screens of the app and then moving to more complex ones. Building styleguide and the app at the same time was arduous, but it left no space for inconsistency.
The price of quality
Creating a responsive version of the app wasn't straightforward. The interactions of specific parts have given me headaches. I was going back and forth hundreds of times and testing the styleguide and app over and over. But the final result was gratifying - a practical app that is adaptable for future development, and a bunch of satiated users.
Amazed with what you have seen and want to build something similar?